
List of Talks: 

Jens Wiebe (Uni. Hamburg) Proximity superconductivity in atom-by-atom crafted quantum dots

Andreas Heinrich (QNS) Spins on surfaces for quantum computing

Nicolas Lorente (CFM&DIPC) A simple quantum circuit using ESR with the scanning tunnelling microscope

Christopher Lutz (IBM) Magnetic Imaging of Individual Organic Radicals with sub-Molecular Resolution

Harald Brune (EPFL) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Individual Rare-Earth Atoms

Philip Willke (KIT) Spin Engineering in Artifical Atom-Molecule Hybrids

Christian Ast (MPI) Spin-Electric Control at the Atomic Scale

Deung-Jang, Choi (CFM&DIPC) Single atoms and molecules on superconducting surfaces

Sander Otte (TUDelft) Tracing coherent dynamics of electron and nuclear spins

Fernando Delgado (Uni. La Laguna) Magnetic properties of isolated atomic impurities on a NaCl surface

Sebastian Stepanow (ETH) Spin-torque driven magnetic resonance in a single molecule

Laurent Limot (IPCMS) Mapping magnetism with a molecule

Alex Kjahetoorians (Uni. Radboud) Orbital memory and YSR states in magnetic field 

Soo-hyon Phark (QNS) Quantum coherence of spins on surface: towards on-surface qubit platform